Let Your Light Shine


To promote a society based on love, freedom, justice, equality and fraternity


To cultivate holistic development of the students, to commit oneself to spiritual, social, ecological and formative aspects, to create leaders for the nation and the world at large

Arrupe College was inaugurated on 27th January 2020 by His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Ponniah, Bishop of Batticaloa along with Rev. Fr. Dexter Gray SJ, Jesuit Provincial of Sri Lanka. The school began with 16 students in grade 01 and the college has facilitated this batch to progress adding a new grade every year. The College began to use an old building that formerly served as the Jesuit candidate house.


Arrupe College, Batticaloa hopes to provide quality and affordable education and Jesuit formation for students with a hope of accompanying them in their journey of becoming better and responsible citizens and men and women marked by a commitment towards a better society and service. Moreover, Arrupe College in Batticaloa hopes to create a student-centered and student-friendly learning environment that remains a great need in the education sector of the country. The College hopes to equip students with the skills, attitudes and knowledge that will lay a solid foundation for a future that is both rewarding and responsible. 


Challenges Ahead:

  • The main challenge of the college is primarily the need for new classrooms adjoined to the present building to accommodate students of grades 04, 05 and 06. In addition to this, we are in need of establishing laboratories and acquiring educational equipment to make our teaching more up-to-date and creative.
  • Arrupe College also primarily hopes to bring quality education opportunities to those who struggle financially and have limited access to the already existing education infrastructure. We aim to provide adequate classroom spaces, laboratories, play areas, educational equipment that would not be otherwise available for students from low-income families.
  • This would also bridge the gap of resources inequality greatly felt in these parts of the island.